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The Mind-Body Connection has always been a vital element in the path to finding one’s self. Without this, we are left disconnected from our core. Chi {Chinese}, Ki {Japanese}, or Prana {India} known as one’s energy or life force, keeps us balanced within. When the mind takes over, and leaves the other essential elements of being behind, a person can become anxious, unable to cope with day to day tasks, and most of all, will begin to exhibit physical ailments.

Throughout time, there have been practices that help keep the physical aligned with the life force known as Chi, Ki, or Prana. These practices help maintain and keep the Seven Chakras within the body consistent and aligned.





Root Chakra

Color: Red
Location: Base of Spine

The Root Chakra is vital for grounding to mother earth; flowing in two directions. Once the energy from the Root Chakra has connected to mother earth, her energy flows upward returning to the Root Chakra. The energy continues to stream upward, activating the remaining Chakras throughout the body. Finally connecting to the Divine above the Crown Chakra. The purpose of this is to allow both energies to circulate throughout the body, gently pulling a person upward and downward. Picture a string being pulled gently from the top and the bottom, aligned perfectly without tension.






Sacral Chakra

Color: Orange
Location: Below the navel in the lower abdomen near the sexual organs

The Sacral Chakra is the epicenter for emotion and sexuality. Emotionally, this Chakra allows us to connect to others through feeling, desire, sensation and movement. It also allows us the ability to accept change, explore one’s creativity, and sexual fulfillment.








Solar Plexus Chakra

Color: Yellow
Location: Between the navel and solar plexus

The Solar Plexus Chakra is where our Ego lives. If the harmony between the Ego and the Heart, is disconnected, this Chakra can cause havoc internally, and externally. Always remember, “The Ego is the Destroyer!” One’s sense of identity dwells within the Ego. If this Chakra is healthy, and in harmony with the Heart Chakra it is a very positive, powerful Chi. It enhances a person energy, and radiates a non-dominating power.

This Chakra also houses woundings. The wounding is referred to as “The Inner Child” or “Shadow”. If not attended to, this child runs rampant, causing a backlash of negative energy, emotions and actions. This negativity spreads like a virus, and can cause other healthy Chakras to come to a screeching halt. This Chakra must always be aligned with the Heart. If it is not, that means there is some internal work to be done. This is knows as Shadow Work.




Heart Chakra

Color: Green
Location: In the center of the chest at the heart level

The Heart Chakra is where the feminine lives. The feminine is not bound or tied to one emotion. She goes where she is needed or called. This energy is always open, and free. To come from the heart is to be released of judgment, chaos and negativity. To love unconditionally, and have a heightened sense of compassion.

This is why, it is vital for the Ego to be aligned with the Heart. It is Yin and Yang… male and female energy working together keeping balance and harmony at the center of the Chakra stream.





Vishuddha {Sanskrit} or Throat Chakra

Color: Blue
Location: In the neck and shoulders region

The Throat Chakra is linked to our voice, sound / vibration.










Ajna {Sanskrit} or Third Eye Chakra

Color: Indigo
Location: Between the eyebrows, behind the forehead

The Third Eye when balanced is the gateway to intuitive sight. It also allows one to physically see clearly, giving the ability to “take the blinders off”, and see past the illusion in front of them.









Sahasrara {Sanskrit} or Crown Chakra

Color: Violet
Location: Crown of the head

The Crown Chakra is what helps link us to the Divine. When this Chakra is aligned and healthy, it allows the flow of heightened awareness, spiritual connection, wisdom, knowledge and a sense of well being.

Each Chakra has its own balancing element. Working with the others in a symbiotic relationship to keep our inner being balanced, and peaceful. Like with the muscular system in or bodies, if one Chakra begins to dim, the others will try to compensate, throwing off the balance.

This is what causes disconnect between the Mind and Body. If these Chakras are aligned, and kept healthy and functioning in unison… the Mind and Body are able to connect and the doorway is opened to the journey. All that’s left to do is step through, and begin the adventure.