An ancient system of natural healing, Reiki is thought to have originated in Japan, and was re-discovered in the late 1800’s by Dr. Miao Usui.
Spiritual Coaching
The possibilities of growth and self realization are limitless with Spiritual Coaching.

Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a practitioner places special cups at specific points on the body. These points are acupressure points, or points where pain is active.
Heart Centered Meditation
Mindful Meditation slows and quiets the mind. Allowing an individual to be present to all things around them without the repetitive activity tacking over in their mind.

Psychic & Medium Readings
Today within the many different forms of readings, the most popular are Tarot, Oracle and Intuitive. Each is used to help a person with past, present and future. Often times, readings solely focus on the present moment and what is currently transpiring in a persons life.
Home & Office Clearing
Clearing your home or business of stagnant energy can uplift and significantly shift the tone and feel of your personal or work space. You will feel better, think more clearly, others will notice the light positive energy when they visit your home or office.